VIENNA +43 (1) 5125955   KLU +43 (463) 591638

Competition law

Competition law

In the course of its advisory practice in competition law, WMWP has specialised on the fields of antitrust law and the law on state aids. WMWP regularly advises on legal questions relating to state aid law, in particular by assessing whether state-led measures have to be qualified as a relevant state aid pursuant to EC law and by supporting its clients in possible ensuing notification processes.

In the field of antitrust law, WMWP supports clients in legal questions relating to the abuse of dominant market positions, horizontal and vertical distribution systems and the filing of merger notifications with the competition authorities.

WMWP also supports its clients in cases of unfair businesses practices of other market participants and also represents in judicial proceedings on alleged unfair business practices.

Activities / References
  • Representation in proceedings related to the infringement of competition law
  • Notification of state aids to the European Commission
  • Filing of merger notifications at the Austrian Competition Authority
Dr. Martin Wiedenbauer