VIENNA +43 (1) 5125955   KLU +43 (463) 591638


Company Name:

Wiedenbauer Mutz Winkler & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH


Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Responsible Chamber

Carinthia Bar Association, Austria (professional provisions: Rechtsanwaltsordnung / Rules of the Bar)

Business addresses

Gabelsbergerstraße 5
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Business addresses Vienna

Am Heumarkt 10
1030 Vienna

Further Information

Regional Court Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
FN 272834b
VAT-ID Number ATU 62194235


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Disclosure pursuant to Section 25 para 2 Austrian Act on Media:

The subject matter is the exercise of advocacy including the necessary ancillary activities, eg operation of the law offices and administration of the company’s assets. The company is permitted to engage in all activities which serve the company’s objects and take all measures which, directly or indirectly, relate to the objects of the company and are suitable to promote the company’s objects. The company is not entitled to engage in banking activities or provide financial services.

Managing Directors / Shareholders

Dr. Martin Wiedenbauer, Mag. Martin Mutz LL.M., MMag. Dr. Robert Winkler, Dr. Iris Mutz, Mag. Michael Achleitner LL.M., Mag. Peter Urabl, Dr. Paul Koppenwallner LL.M.

Design und implementation

Internet Agency ONELOGIN Business & Technology Consulting GmbH
Universitätsstraße 92
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee