VIENNA +43 (1) 5125955   KLU +43 (463) 591638

Corporate and
Commercial Law

Corporate and
Commercial Law

WMWP provides legal advice to prospective founders already in the planning phase of a business formation in order to determine the most fitting type of company a form and shareholder structure. Based on this preliminary process, WMWP supports its clients in the ensuing set-up of their business by drafting the relevant documentation such as articles of association, rules of procedure, employment contracts and necessary filings with trade authorities.

WMWP regularly supports its clients in legal issues that typically arise in the course of business operations, spanning from the drafting or amending existing corporate documentation, changes in the management or the shareholder structure of a company, capital measures, over questions regarding director’s liability to the liquidation and dissolution of companies.

WMWP has comprehensive experience in representing shareholders, directors or supervisory board members in contentious matters such as the challenging of shareholder resolutions, dismissals of directors or squeeze-outs.

Moreover, WMWP has particular expertise in the law on private trusts and regularly advises founders and organs of trusts.

Activities / References
  • Beratung und Begleitung von Gesellschaftsgründern und Organmitgliedern
  • Ständige Beratung von national und international tätigen Gesellschaften bzw Unternehmen (die in den unterschiedlichsten Branchen tätig sind: Handel, Bestattungswesen, Bauwesen, Informationstechnologie, Dienstleistungsunternehmen, Hotellerie, Versorgungsbetriebe etc ) im Bereich des Gesellschaftsrecht
  • Laufende Beratung von Gebietskörperschaften in Fragen des Beteiligungsmanagement
  • Beratung von Gesellschaften im Zusammenhang mit dem Einstieg von Investoren (Kapitalmaßnahmen und sonstige gesellschaftsrechtliche Maßnahmen)
  • Geschäftsführer- und Aufsichtsratshaftungsprozesse
  • Gesellschaftsrechtliche Beratung von Untersuchungsausschüssen eines Landtages